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Top ten Squash Match ideas to Help You Become a much Better Squash Player

1. Keep your eyes on your  ball - The quantity one squash tip is don't take your eyes from  the ball, the  game is probably played too soon. Watch it as you play your shot, as the opponent goes to play their shot, and keep viewing the ball as it goes behind you - keep your eyes in the squash ball! 2. Hit a beneficial size - Do not keep your shots bouncing round the half court mark and sitting up nicely for a return. Send it towards the relative back regarding the court and put your opponent under  pressure. Forcing your opponent towards the  straight back of this court also limits their return choices. Take note of where your shots are now being hit by your opponent, and then apply a bit more pace or increase the angle slightly if you aren't pushing them to the back of the court much of the time. 3. adhere to the walls - As a rule of thumb, play your shots down the relative line, sticking as close as possible aside wall. Cross court shots have their destination in the video gam